The School District of
Palm Beach County

Scholarship Search

Match Your Scholarship

Looking for money to pay for school? This tool matches you to scholarship money. This is a free scholarship matching service provided by the School District of Palm Beach County.

Instruction: The keyword search is a great place to start if you already know something about the scholarship you are looking for OR enter a little information about yourself to get started. Ask your school counselor for more help in finding scholarship money. They can also help you with scholarship applications and other college planning tools.

Ed Tancer Good Deed Scholarship

ACT/SAT Required: No
Minimum GPA: 0.00

A completed online application or a PDF application via email(opens in new tab). An essay (maximum 500 words) on how you emulate the attributes of Edward F. Tancer (.doc, .docx, or .pdf to be uploaded during the online application process or included in the PDF application) 2-3 letters from community leaders describing your acts of kindness or good deeds (.doc, .docx, or .pdf to be uploaded during the online application process or emailed with the PDF application) Your resume or list of accomplishments related to civic responsibility, community involvement, or good deeds (.doc, .docx, or .pdf to be uploaded during the online application process or emailed with the PDF application)

Selection Criteria:


ACT/SAT Required: No
Minimum GPA: 2.50

1. Must be a Palm Beach County Florida resident 2. Student must graduate from high school in 2025 and provide the transcript from the Palm Beach County High School. Provide the first page of the transcript, which includes the student’s name, school, GPA, and class ranking. 4. Must have at least a 2.5 grade point average (GPA) 5. Possess and demonstrate good citizenship. 6. Must be an African American. 7. Must be admitted to or attend an accredited College or University. Proof of registration from the college or university is required before the scholarship funds are disbursed. 8. Scholarship award shall not exceed $1,000. The applicant can only receive one scholarship from Fairview Golf Club. 9. All complete applications must be submitted by March 15, 2025. There will be NO exceptions for late applications. There are two options for submitting the application. a. complete the application and submit with attachments to or b. or online via click (use scholarship tab) 10. All scholarship applications will be forwarded to the Scholarship Committee for consideration. The Scholarship Committee will recommend recipient(s) for the scholarship award(s) to the Fairview Golf Club members for approval. 11. Applicant must not have received a scholarship from the Sunshine State Amateur Golf Association (SSAGA) or any affiliate clubs. 12. Golf experience is not necessary but is a plus.

Selection Criteria:

2025 Dr. James R. Louwers Memorial Scholarship

ACT/SAT Required: No
Minimum GPA: 3.00

Applicant must be a registered parishioner at St. Rita Catholic Parish, Wellington, Florida.  Applicant must be a graduating senior who attends high school in Palm Beach County, Florida. (Post-high school applicants – see additional requirements on the next page).  Applicant must have membership in extra-curricular activities such as a Varsity Letter in a Sport, Student Government, National Honor Society, Band, etc.  Applicant must submit a letter of recommendation from a coach or sponsor of one of the extra-curricular activities listed.  Applicant must be accepted to a school or program of higher education.  3.0 minimum grade point average by mid-year of senior year  Submit application with copy of high school transcripts.  Write an essay describing why you would be a deserving recipient of this award. The essay should be typed, double-spaced and a maximum of 500 words.

Selection Criteria:
HIGH SCHOOL APPLICANTS ONLY:  On applicant information page, part B, please list High School Guidance counselor and applicable information, as well as, date of high school awards ceremony.  On applicant information page, part C, list name of your high school only. Application deadline is Monday, March 31, 2025. The minimum award amount is $500.00.  All applicants who submit a completed application will receive notification of scholarship recipient(s) via email by June 30, 2025. Announcement of scholarship recipient(s) will occur at a Sunday mass, (date and time to be announced), at St. Rita Catholic Church, Wellington, Florida.

2025 Megan F. Durtschi Memorial Scholarship

ACT/SAT Required: No
Minimum GPA: 3.00

Applicant must be a graduating senior who attends high school in Palm Beach County, Florida.  Applicant must have membership in extra-curricular activities such as a Varsity Letter in a Sport, Student Government, National Honor Society, Band, etc.  Applicant must submit a letter of recommendation from a coach or sponsor of one of the extra-curricular activities listed.  Applicant must have been accepted to a school or program of higher education.  3.0 minimum grade point average by mid-year of senior year  Submit application with copy of high school transcripts.  Write an essay describing why you would be a deserving recipient of this award. The essay should be typed, double-spaced and a maximum of 500 words.

Selection Criteria:
Complete* application must be received by the application deadline. Application must be sent via email to: *Complete application includes Scholarship Applicant Information, (page 3 of the application), Applicant’s Essay, High School Transcript, and Coach/Sponsor’s Letter of Recommendation. Items may be sent separately, if necessary, however, it is highly suggested that all documents are sent in one email, as attachments, in PDF format.

Adele Marie Bradley Scholarship

ACT/SAT Required: Yes
Minimum GPA: 3.50

Current high school seniors who are planning to attend a post-secondary institution in a degree program as a full-time student for the 2025-2026 school year. High school seniors must have a minimum 3.5 grade point average to be eligible for a scholarship. Scholarships are awarded based on merit and essay about persevering through adversity. The essay must describe how they have overcome adversity within their life, how they have used their experience to better themselves and your community, and what their future goals are. Residency requirements The applicant must reside in and be a high school senior in Palm Beach County.

Selection Criteria:
Application requirements – forms to include -High School Senior Scholarship Application form. Complete, print and sign the form. -Academic Resume- Please make sure to include any clubs, sports, volunteer activities, etc. Please make sure to include all high schools you’ve attended -Transcript. Include an official transcript from the high school attended by the applicant. -SAT or ACT scores. The applicant's SAT or ACT scores must be included if those on the applicant's official transcript. The applicant may submit a printed copy of their scores from the College Board or ACT website, as long as the printed web page clearly shows the applicant's full name alongside the scores. -Essay- Please include a minimum 500 word and maximum 1000 word essay describing how you have overcome adversity, how they have used that experience to better themselves and the community, and what their future goals are. This is the most important part of your application. -Letter of recommendation. One (1) letter of recommendation from a school official, counselor, teacher, present or former employer or community leader. The letter of recommendation must include an address and telephone number at which the person writing the latter can be reached. -(Suggested, not required) One (1) Video of 2 minutes or less showing your personality and why you would make an excellent scholarship winner. Arrange the submitted materials in the order requested and mail in one envelope to: The Adele Marie Bradley Foundation 61 Pinehill Trail East Tequesta, FL 33469

CIO Council of South Florida SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM

ACT/SAT Required: No
Minimum GPA: 2.80

• Must be a program concentrator (minimum of three courses) in Information Technology • Interested in pursuing a college major in Information Technology, Computer Science or Computer Engineering • Attend a South Florida public or private college, university, or technical school • Must be a U.S. Resident or Citizen • Minimum of 2.8 GPA • Two letters of recommendation (from a current or former teacher and/or employer) • Video interview via Google Meet, if deemed appropriate by the Selection Committee • All applications must be submitted with the completed form below (No other formats will be considered)

Selection Criteria:
The following criteria will be evaluated and weighted in the selection process but will not restrict applicants meeting the criteria above: • Economic need • Community service or civic involvement • Internship and/or work experience within industry

Friends of Green Cay

ACT/SAT Required: No
Minimum GPA: 0.00

Completed application form Two character reference in the form of a letter of recommendation on official letterhead from an adult other than a relative A copy of your most recent transcript Two personal essays, maximum 600 words. List on a separate sheet of paper-honors, community service activities , hobbies, outside interests and extra curricular activities

Selection Criteria:
Provide proof of college acceptance on official letterhead (copy acceptable)


ACT/SAT Required: Yes
Minimum GPA: 2.75

Must have a GPA of 2.75 or higher; score 970 or higher on the SAT and 20 or higher on the ACT; complete an essay; provide transcripts and participate in an interview. 1. Submit a complete application packet to include all requested documents (Faxed copies will NOT be accepted.) a. Student scholarship application completed in full b. Official copy of a school transcript in an unopened envelope c. College transcripts with official seal in an unopened envelope, if applicable (for dual enrollment) d. Three completed reference letters, one from each category 1. Guidance counselor or school principal 2. Teacher 3. Employer or community leader or mentor or clergy 2. Complete a one-page, typed essay stating why you have chosen a career in education as a goal, and how this scholarship will assist you in achieving your goal. 3. Semifinalists for the scholarship must participate in a personal interview.

Selection Criteria:
The complete application packet must be received by 4:30 P.M. on the last Monday of March, in the Department of Recruitment and Retention, Attn.: PBFE Steering Committee, Fulton-Holland Educational Services Center, 3300 Forest Hill Blvd., Suite A-132, West Palm Beach, FL 33406-5870. Incomplete and/or late applications will NOT be accepted for consideration. For further information or questions, call 561-434-8372

Gai Williams Scholarship

ACT/SAT Required: No
Minimum GPA: 0.00

What has been your most important extracurricular activity? Specifically, explain how you participated in the activity? How will you use this experience in your future education? What are your specific career goals after graduation? In five years?

Selection Criteria:

Haitian Educators Association of Palm Beach

ACT/SAT Required: Yes
Minimum GPA: 3.20

1.Be a Haitian student, residing in Palm Beach County 2. Be an English Language Learner (ELL) 3. Have a minimum grade point average (G.P.A) of 3.2 4. Meet all graduation requirements 5. Submit a resume. 6. Provide an official high school transcript. 7. Be accepted at a higher educational, vocational or technical institution (Please attach acceptance letter) 8. Provide two (2) letters of recommendation from teachers, supervisors or community leaders 9. Complete a submission essay: i. Describe why this scholarship is important to you ii. Essay should be at least 500 words iii. Essay must be in Times New Roman -12-point font iv. Essay margins must have one-inch top, bottom and side margins 10. Participate in a virtual interview.

Selection Criteria:
A completed application must be postmarked (DO NOT EMAIL) no later than Monday, March 31, 2025. Please mail all completed documents to: Haitian Educators Association of Palm Beach, Inc. 3200 Summit Blvd PO Box 16266 West Palm Beach, FL 33416

Inner City Youth Golfers’ Inc. Scholarship Committee *Essie & Malachi Knowles Scholarship *The Andrew David Stoch Memorial Golf Scholarship

ACT/SAT Required: No
Minimum GPA: 3.00

1.Must be a Palm Beach County Florida resident. 2. Student must graduate from high school in the year the scholarship is awarded or be an undergraduate Palm Beach County resident attending an accredited University or College. 3. Must provide official transcript from Palm Beach County School attending or current University or College. 4. Must provide 3 current written references dated and signed by the provider. 5. Required to have at least a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) 6. Possess and demonstrate good citizenship. 7. Must be an African American or Hispanic. 8. Must be admitted to or attend an accredited College or University. Proof of acceptance from the registrar at the college or university is required before the scholarship funds are disbursed. 9. Scholarship award shall not exceed $1,000. The applicant may only apply for two consecutive years. 10. All complete applications must be received/postmarked by May 14, 2025. There will be NO exceptions for late applications. No applications will be accepted via email. 11. All scholarship applications shall be forwarded to the Scholarship Committee for consideration. The Scholarship Committee shall recommend recipients for the scholarship award(s) to Inner City Youth Golfers’, Inc. Founder, Executive Director, and Director of Education for approval. 12. Applicants intending to matriculate at an HBCU is a plus. 13. Applicants must plan to pursue studies in a golf related field (examples: Agronomy, Event Planner, Golf Historian, Journalism, Kinesiology, Marketing, Management, Retail Merchandise, Teaching Professional, Architect, Sports Psychologist, etc.) and or musical field.

Selection Criteria:

Kiwanis Club of The North Palm Beaches

ACT/SAT Required: Yes
Minimum GPA: 0.00

Our 2025 schools are Dwyer High School, Jupiter High School, Palm Beach Gardens High School, and Suncoast High School. Scholarships are awarded based on established criteria including community service, extracurricular activities, scholastic achievement, essay, and letters of recommendation.

Selection Criteria:

Palm Beach Beach FAMU Alumni Scholarship

ACT/SAT Required: No
Minimum GPA: 3.00

The Palm Beach County Alumni Chapter of Florida A&M University is proud to announce scholarships for high school seniors attending school in Palm Beach County who have been accepted and will be attending Florida A&M University in the Fall of 2025. If you have any questions email us at

Selection Criteria:

The Alliance of Women Executives (AWE)

ACT/SAT Required: No
Minimum GPA: 3.00

These scholarships are open to young women graduating from any Palm Beach County high school who will be continuing their education at Florida Atlantic University, Lynn University, Palm Beach Atlantic University, or Palm Beach State College. Key Details:

Selection Criteria:
Be a young woman graduating from a Palm Beach County high school Have a minimum unweighted 3.0 GPA Documents to be uploaded with your application: A recommendation letter from a high school teacher or guidance counselor The first page of current high school transcript An acceptance letter from Florida Atlantic University, Lynn University, Palm Beach Atlantic University or Palm Beach State College Complete the Scholarship Application below. Submit a 500 – 1000 word essay on the following topic: Why are you deserving of an AWE scholarship? (Please refrain from using AI) Recipients must be present at the Awards Ceremony on April 29, 2025 at 5:00 pm at Wycliffe Golf & Country Club – 4650 Wycliffe Country Club Blvd, Wellington, FL 33449 to receive their awards.

The Kiwanis Club of West Palm Beach Foundation, Inc. 2025-2026 Scholarship

ACT/SAT Required: Yes
Minimum GPA: 0.00

To be eligible, students must plan to attend college or a post-secondary educational program full-time. High school students must currently live AND attend a high school within the Palm Beach County geographic area described as north to PGA Boulevard, west to Lake Okeechobee and south to Hypoluxo Road. Very Important Note: The application this year is a Google Form. To upload any files, such as letters of recommendation, you must have a Gmail account. If you need a Gmail account, this link shows how to create the account from Google: This account is free.

Selection Criteria:
1. Completed appropriate sections of Application 2. General Statement/Essay - Describing you personally as a prospective college student and a future member of your community. Your essay should include (but not limited to) why you wish to go to college, your objectives, what you intend to do after college, and why you chose the colleges to which you are applying to or will attend. 3. Two reference letters from non-family members as to applicant’s overall qualifications, leadership, and/or community service involvement 4. A detailed resume that includes community service/volunteer activities and leadership experience 5. Official transcript of high school grades (seven semesters) including SAT/ ACT test score 6. Official transcript of college grades to date if you are already enrolled in college 7. Copy of your most recent Income Tax Return (if applicable) – pages 1 & 2 and Schedule A only - redact all Social Security Numbers 8. If you are claimed as a dependent, a copy of your parents’ or guardians’ most recent Income Tax Return – pages 1 & 2 and Schedule A only - redact all Social Security Numbers 9. Copy of your parents’ or guardians’ current tax bill or property tax assessment, if they are homeowners 10. Other information you believe would be of assistance to the Kiwanis Foundation in acting on your application

The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW)-Valencia Shores Section

ACT/SAT Required: No
Minimum GPA: 0.00

Jewish applicant  Financial Need  Will attend an undergraduate course of study at an accredited two or four year college or an accredited vocational/technical school  Excellent character traits  Palm Beach County resident  Official High School transcripts  Two completed Applicant Recommendation forms  Parent completed financial form  2023 or 2024 1040 tax return (first 2 pages only)

Selection Criteria:
All documents must be postmarked by Thursday, March 6, 2025, sent to Sandra Platzman, 8178 La Jolla Vista Lane, Lake Worth, FL33467.or by email ( Feel free to call if you have questions (561-968-4415).

The Women's Red Apple Foundation of Palm Beach County

ACT/SAT Required: No
Minimum GPA: 0.00

Eligibility: Female residents of Palm Beach County High school seniors or currently enrolled in a post-secondary institution Demonstrated financial need Strong academic record and community involvement

Selection Criteria:
Community Involvement Financial Need GPA Overall Application Work Experience Missing one of these Criteria does not disqualify you from being considered.

West Palm Beach Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

ACT/SAT Required: No
Minimum GPA: 2.50

Minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average (GPA).  Submit a formal letter of application (not an essay or resume) to include your reason(s) for applying. Include your school honors (Grades 9-12), extracurricular activities,school leadership roles and short and long-range goals. The letter must be signed before you upload it.  Upload an official transcript inclusive of Seven (7) semesters (First half of Senior Year MUST be included).  Complete the counselor verification information.  Upload Two (2) signed letters of recommendation.  Completed Photograph/Video Authorization and Release Form.  Upload an appropriate Headshot(Senior Picture Highly Recommended). *Failure to upload all required documents in the correct format will result in a disqualification of your application.*

Selection Criteria:

West Palm Beach Links Scholarship

ACT/SAT Required: No
Minimum GPA: 2.50

Intended college major in the Arts, Education, S.T.E.M., or attending an HBCU African American graduating senior in a Palm Beach County School Must have a minimum 2.5 GPA Must provide current resume Must provide two (2) letters of recommendation, one (1) of which must support talents and achievements, including recognitions and awards in the intended areas of study. Must provide a transcript bearing the official seal of the applicant’s school List of Colleges and/or Universities to which applicant has applied/been accepted/will apply.

Selection Criteria:
For hard copy submissions, please contact Ms. Shawn Henderson at